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How to Choose the Best Pilates Instructor Certification Program for Your Goals and Needs - LARGE FRANCHISE STUDIO VS. SMALL LOCAL STUDIO

Veronica Colwell

Today I want to address another criteria that you will want to consider as you research to find the right Pilates Teacher Certification Program for you, namely attending a program hosted by a large franchise studio, or a small local studio.


Each type of space will offer different logistical advantages which I will discuss in further detail below. But most importantly, each type of space will have its own unique flavor and feel. What I mean by this is that when you sign up for a Pilates Teacher Training Program in either settings, you have to know what type of organizational culture you are looking to experience your learning in. Are you the type who thrives in a more competitive environment, or do you generally appreciate more supportive coaching? Do you value working more independently, or are you looking to be part of a group of colleagues? These are important factors to take into consideration as you will be spending a considerable amount of time inside the studio space and with your fellow trainees while completing the required hours of training.


A large commercial studio space may offer the benefit of a larger network of studios under its brand name umbrella where they may have agreements for students to do their self-practice and observation hours.

Larger commercial studio spaces also typically have more equipment available for clients and trainees to use which may facilitate scheduling your practice hours. This also means that they are generally able to take on more trainees in each cohort, so make sure if they cap the maximum amount of participants and if so, at how many.

Finally, a larger commercial studio may have access to a sizable admin team allowing them to provide particular services like online support groups, office hours, etc. In addition, they may be able to offer more opportunities for continuing education down the line.


A smaller family owned studio like Vero Pilates can provide a more welcoming and nurturing atmosphere for trainees who are looking for a community experience with support along the way.

A Pilates Teacher Training Program like the one offered at Vero Pilates is limited to a maximum of 10 participants which means that instructors and trainees will have ample opportunity to get to know each other well as they spend time together during lecture weekends, lab hours, and training hours.

Though a studio like Vero Pilates is limited to one physical location, conscious effort is made to provide plenty of time for trainees to come into the studio for their self-practice, observation, and practice teaching hours.

The whole team at a space like Vero Pilates is involved in supporting and coaching trainees which allows trainees to gain a wider perspective on the world of Pilates and its many approaches.

Private Pilates session at Vero Pilates using the Cadillac


In conclusion, if there is one recommendation I can make on this particular aspect of researching a Pilates Teacher Training Program it would be that you personally take the time to visit the studios you are considering for your training.

Sign up to take a class or two. Notice how you feel in the space and how you are treated. Are you warmly welcomed by all staff? Does the client community of the space jive with your energy? Does the physical space fee like a place you want to spend 500+ hours of training in? Speak with the instructors and manager. Do they readily take the time to answer your questions and give you the support you need? Whether you choose to do your training in a larger or smaller studio, it is VITAL that you feel inspired and motivated to show up for your training in the space every week, so choose wisely and listen to your gut!

Want to learn more about Vero Pilates' 2025 Teacher Training Program? Join us for a Mat Class & Info Night on Friday, March 28, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Book your spot here and don't miss out!


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