TEMPORARILY CLOSING THE STUDIO DOORS TO CLIENTS Last Monday I had to make an incredibly difficult decision as a Pilates studio owner and temporarily close my studio to the public. In following the guidance and recommendations of the official centers for disease control locally and internationally, it seemed like the right thing to do to help protect our staff and clients from the spread of Coronavirus-19.
GOING VIRTUAL WITH OUR PILATES STUDIO In a matter of one day our Studio Manager Steven Zarzecki and I hashed out the transition from in person Pilates sessions to a new virtual platform using Zoom. All our instructors are now set up with the capability of booking an unlimited amount of sessions and classes using this platform. In a matter of one week we are proud to share that we have gone from an initial booking of 10 sessions to 50+ sessions including group classes.
THE VALUE OF STICKING TO YOUR PILATES ROUTINE Yes, the thought of virtual Pilates sessions initially sounds awkward. The feedback we have received though is only POSITIVE! Our clients have loved their sessions so far and have been surprised at the quality workouts that they have received. Clients who have continued with our Private, Duet, and Semi-Private Group Classes are still receiving individualized feedback for their specific needs from their regular instructor who is familiar with their particular needs. Their instructors know how to support them and challenge them, so they can walk away feeling re-energized and ready to face the day!
NEW ADDED VIRTUAL PILATES GROUP CLASS OFFERINGS We have also added two new virtual group class offerings. Our large group classes are designed for a maximum of 10 participants and will be taught in a more traditional method with the instructor performing the exercises and participants following along from their homes. There are lots of new classes being added to the schedule with different themes and using different props, so keep posted!
Every Saturday at 9:30 am we will also be hosting a Community Pilates Class focused on providing a top notch class at the minimal cost of 10$. We realize that many of our community members here and around the world are struggling with the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. We want everyone to continue having access to quality movement instruction in the comfort and safety of their homes. We want to support our beautiful neighborhood, Belmont Heights, our city, Long Beach City, and our friends from around the world!
For information on signing up for any of our sessions and classes, check out our schedule at: https://www.vero-pilates.com/schedule/
Coming next: How to get set up for your first virtual Pilates session!