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Virtual Pilates Is A Lifeline

We recently passed the two month mark of quarantine which means that for over eight weeks we have been serving our community in Long Beach and beyond via our Zoom platform. We are delighted to support approximately 100 clients on a weekly basis via virtual private lessons, duets, semi-private group classes, and larger group classes.

Staying healthy, active, and connected The feedback we have received has consistently shown that maintaining the routine of Pilates workouts has facilitated our clients staying healthy, strong, active, and socially connected. It’s a joy to see our clients’ faces on the screen each week and hear how Pilates with us continues to benefit them. Group class clients love seeing each other as well and having the opportunity to check in and feel connected to their Pilates friends.

Support and accountability As Pilates instructors we provide individualized guidance and support, motivation, and accountability that we all so desperately need in these times because let’s be honest, it’s so easy to see a free Instagram workout that looks great, but the truth is we’re not actually going to show up for it (yeah, it’s happened to me too more than once!).

Invest in YOU! So what can you do to stay healthy and keep active? Make the commitment to yourself. Schedule and plan for the week ahead. Set aside time to keep investing in your health and wellbeing. Book a session or class with your favorite instructor and make it happen! You won’t regret it!

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